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Queen of the Universe is the meaning of the word Bhuvaneshwari. She is the one who rules this Universe according to her will. Holding such immense power is what makes this yantra so special. It can do wonders for you such as getting rid of physical or mental ailments, being victorious over your enemies, or being wealthy. This Yantra also specializes in bring true love and success in your life. Untimely deaths are also said to be prevented by this yantra. This Yantra is made up of Selenite Crystal and the dimensions are already mentioned in a certain section.

Unique Qualities

  • Sixty-four types of blessings are showered by Maa on the meditator who worships her through this yantra.
  • This yantra can be worn as a jewel, can be kept at home, or get placed in your office. It is completely your choice; you just have to worship it wholeheartedly.
  • Mental stability, concentration, and focus are other benefits of meditating with this amazing and powerful yantra.
  • Overall, this yantra has all sorts of benefits like having a better personality, a better love and family life, financial stability, and more
  • This yantra should be placed in the East direction and it should face the West.

An awesome product known as Yantra is available here for negative energy removal from one’s body or mind. With this yantra, you will be able to remove negative energy from home comfort only. Buy yantra online from Tatva Science. Sri Yantra is very effective in this problem. Sri Chakra Yantra, Chakra Yantra, Bhuvneshwari Yantra and Sri Chakra can also be bought from our website.